Thursday, February 7, 2013

Spring Break, Spring Recital, Summer camps and Tryouts


be March 27-April 2. We took both district 91 & 93
breaks and split them in half :)

Also a reminder of our Spring Recital dates:
Competition Teams will be May 17th
East and Central locations will be May 18th

I just wanted to give a heads up to everyone about our camp dates and tryouts this summer 2013.

INTENSIVE CAMP (required for all new jazz competition teams Tinys, Minis, Smalls, Tweens, JV and Varsity)
JUNE 17th -21st

Summer Dance Blast (required for all new hip hop competition teams I-Jump and I-Crew)
Summer Dance blast is also open to the public as well!
June 24th-28th

Try-outs are
JUNE 1st 2013

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