Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A few notes for Competition Teams

The dancers have voted on which dances they want to perform at the Studio recitals on Saturday, May 21. They will do the same dances at both shows!

Here are the dances they've decided on:

Jazzerettes- Hot Like Wow and Steal the Show

Juniors- Zombie Club

Smalls- Dancing Queen

Minis- At the Hop

Tinys- Hey Mickey

Also-if you're planning on coming to the show-please make sure only one parent is there and that you sit more near the back.

To those of you who have already paid your recital fees: THANK YOU!!! It makes my life so much easier not to have to chase you down. A reminder-$15 for a single dancer and $25 for families.

For the week of May 16-20th the following practices will be REQUIRED

Minis and Tinys are required to be at the Central studio for practice with the Jazzerettes on Wed. from 4:30-5:00.

Juniors need to be at the Central Studio on Thursday from 4:30-5:30 to do "On the Floor.

Smalls need to be at the Central Studio on Wednesday from 6-7 to do "On the Floor"

Jazzerettes need to be at the Central Studio on Thursday from 3:30-4:30.

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