Monday, May 17, 2010

Jazzerettes in Concert Show Order

Jazzerettes in Concert!

May 21st at 7:30 pm at Hillcrest High School Auditorium

You do not want to miss this show!!! Its all the competition teams that have worked sooo hard all year on these dances and took several 1st place awards through out Utah!!

We would like all dancers there by 6:30 to run through their dancers just one time before the show starts because we have been so focused on Wonderland that they will need to mentally do this!!!

REMEMBER...the Mushrooms and Tears from Wonderland will also get to perform in this concert as well!!! They will need to be there at 7 pm.

Pictures will be that day for tinys, minis, and smalls at studio. Also EVERYONE WHO COMPETED THIS YEAR WILL NEED TO COME TO STUDIO AT 5:15pm IN THEIR WARM_UP OUTFIT FOR BIG PICTURE!! Be right on time for pictures and please be considrate of others with doing your individual shots!! We have got to move fast :)

All dancers will enter in the front doors of Hillcrest Auditorium....not the side door like they usually do! Their name will be on a master list to get into the concert. Everyone else must pay admission to get into the concert.

The order of the show is as follows and there are really quick changes....but thats when we perform the best!!! :)

1. Introduction
2.Right Now- Jazzerettes
4. Crazy Love- Juniors
5. Kaitlyn Kessinger- Jazzerette
6. Hoe Down- Smalls
7. Mushrooms- 3-5 grade
8. Thats Not My Name- Jazzerettes
9. Stand Out- Mnis
10. McKenna & Jaycee- Smalls
11.Better Man- Jazzerettes
12. What a World-Juniors
13. Blakeley Smith-Jazzerette
14. Lindee Pickett- Jazzerette
16. Sadie & Bayden
17. Baby- All teams and friends
18. Walkin on Sunshine- Jazzerettes and Juniors
19. Ordinary Day-Smalls
20. Jetsons- Minis
21. Ice Cream Freeze-Tinys
22. Smile-Jazzerettes
23. All for One- Juniors
24. Jocelyn Clawson-Jazzerette
25. Kia Ackerman-Jazzerette
26. Dinosaur-Smalls
27.Tears-6-12 grade
28. Kill the Lights- Jazzerettes and Juniors
Special Team Introductions and medal receiving.

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