The winter recital is quickly approaching. Our teachers and dancers are putting in so much hard work to make it great! Here is a quick reference of times. All events are taking place at the Hillcrest High School Auditorium.
Dress Rehearsal-December 18th
All dancers need to be there on time and in full hair and make-up. (You will receive notice of how their teacher wants their hair done.)
4:30-5:00- All 3,4 and 5 year olds
5:00-6:30- All 1st-2nd graders, Minis
6:30-7:30- All 3rd-6th graders, Smalls
7:30-8:30- All 7th-Up, Juniors, Jazzerettes
(Jazzerettes plan on staying until 9:30)
Performance!- December 19th
Dancers need to be there by 6:15 already in full hair and make-up.
Recital starts at 7:00 pm sharp!